Are you planning on attending the 2024 IMTS? Add Lake Geneva, WI to you itinerary. Stahli USA is having an Open House September 9-14. We are only 1 hour from Chicago.
Are you planning on attending the 2024 IMTS? Add Lake Geneva, WI to you itinerary. Stahli USA is having an Open House September 9-14. We are only 1 hour from Chicago.
A mission to do our part to preserve our planet for future generations and promote sustainability.
This past weekend, Stahli USA attended our local county fair to show our support for the 4-H and FFA organizations in our community. By supporting these organizations, we are striving to build a better future for our youth as well as our world. Through 4-H and FFA projects, kids build confidence, work ethic, determination, and responsibility. They learn to give back and build a better tomorrow. Check out 4-H | Positive Youth Development, Mentorship, & Education and FFA – Preparing Members for Leadership and Career Success for more information about the benefits of 4-H and FFA for our kids.
FH3-805 added to our Lake Geneva Location.