Microfinishing Yesterday-Today and Tomorrow from Micron to Nano and Ångström
Interlinking – Another Step Towards Efficient Production
The use of a bound grit wheel in the flat honing technique results in metal-cutting machining entailing burrs on the workpieces. For specific deburring as a succeeding operation, a deburring machine equipped with a turning device for two-sided deburring is appropriate. A direct transfer after the flat honing process is efficiently solved with Stähli machines by interlinking our flat honing machines and deburring machine.
The request to interlink the two-wheel flat honing process with the one wheel polishing process was successfully realized with Stähli machines thanks to developing the automation of one wheel polishing machines back in the year 2000. The interlinking of 2 two-wheel flat honing machines with intermediate cleaning to prevent the spreading of the grit is represented in picture 8.

Linkage of 2 machines
Interlinking our flat honing machine to a deburring machine saves a tremendous amount of time, and outputs efficient production. Having a direct transfer allows turnaround times to improve by workpieces cleaned and deburred straight after the cutting process.